Known as “The Tech Savvy Senior,” Sheila Finkelstein, is an 82-year-old grandmother. Her “kids” (educators and business people) often come to her for “how-to’s.” Even her son who teaches computers to high school students came to her a couple of years ago to learn how to use Twitter!
She states:
“I am simply astounded by the technological advances that have happened in our lifetime. I am grateful to be one of those people who is intrigued by the technology that’s simple enough to be figured out (after a while) and then used to have more fun in life.
It is that intrigue, I think, that ultimately makes it easy for me to find my way around in this brave new world! And, then comes the joy of making new people connections and sharing it with others.
My own in-depth journey into technology started with my first website in 2004. Since then I’ve developed a wide range of ‘just enough’ knowledge on the web to do what needs to be done accomplish simple end goals. Always looking for the ‘easy’ way myself, I know just what fearful seniors need to feel comfortable.”
As a former teacher and current life coach, Sheila has had years of experience in honing her communication skills – – the very skills that are so handy in supporting seniors to have fun while learning how to thrive in the age of technology. First, she “tunes in” to expressed needs in order to discover just what is important to seniors, and then establishes what they want to accomplish.
Then, she sets up the simple, step-by-step instructions needed to accomplish your goals. She also suggests programs and techniques you may not even know to ask about; programs and techniques that will allow you to easily and effortlessly communicate with family and friends, safely maintain important records, do your banking on-line, and quickly find entertainment venues.
She knows that some people, when looking at their computers, smart phones, or tablets, feel overwhelmed and out-of-touch about how to navigate in what feels like “foreign” territory and the need to learn a whole new language.
Sheila concludes:
“If you are one of those people, you’ve come to the right place. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find it can be an easy and exciting journey, one I am happy to lead you through.”
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