Downloadable Audio Books – Using Your Public Library from Home

Palm Beach County Library ServicesThis past week I once again ventured into new territory for me. I wanted to talk about technology and library  services so, of course, I had to try them myself. How glad I was that I did!

I had a 4 1/2 hour road trip scheduled, so it was a good opportunity to try something new. In the past, I would have gone to the library to check out one or more books on CDs. It makes the trip more enjoyable, for me, and time passes much more quickly as I drive when listening to a good story on CDs. This time, instead of taking time out to go to my branch library, I chose to visit the County Public Library system on my computer. Then I took advantage of the opportunity to download two audio books from the Internet and put them on my iPod. (One totally delightful one was with Betty White reading her latest book. Details and an audio clip at the end of this post.)

As I was visiting, I started paying more attention to what really great services are offered,  especially for those who might be home bound! The services include both downloadable music and audio books, as well as print books in several different formats. The latter can be read on your computer, Kindle, Nook, iPad or other Tablet, as well as on your phones.

All that’s necessary to borrow materials, in the library and online, is a library card. When you find what’s available, in whatever medium you want, simply follow the instructions for borrowing; then download the specific audio or ebook for the specified time period.  The system will automatically remove it from your computer on the due date.  You can always go back the next day to borrow it again, so long as there is not a hold on it.

Available products listed in the Palm Beach County Library System – – are:

1 – Books, CD, & DVDs
2 – eBooks & Audiobooks
3 – Downloadable Music
4 – Magazines & Newspapers
5 – Articles & Information
plus many Events and Classes

Wondering, are Computer Download Services are available to you?
To see if a public library near you has downloadable material, you can check out This is the service to which the Palm Beach County Library subscribes for electronic delivery of Audiobooks.

Overdrive services for downloadable audiosWhen you go to Overdrive you’ll see a Search box in the column on the right. Enter your zip code to find the closest library to you that uses their services.

Cloud Library for eBooks Find Your Library in Search at Bottom of Left Column

Cloud Library for eBooks. Find Your Library in Search at Bottom of Left Column on the Cloud Site.

3M Cloud Library is another service that provides downloadable eBooks. Check to see how it works and what might be available in your area.

Routine Online Library Services

In conclusion, in the event that you may not be fully aware of the more routine services your library might provide, summarized below are the main services of which I have been taking advantage prior to this:

1 – Before jumping to buy a book that interests me, I’ve gotten into the habit of first logging into my library to see  if the book is available in one or more of the branches.

2 – If it is, I put a reservation/hold on it.

3 – The library then notifies me by email when it’s available. I do have to drive to my closest branch to pick it up.

4 – Once charged out I get notified two or days before the due date.

5 – I will often renew books online, up to 3 times, if there is not another hold on it.

6 – And, if I forget to return it, the library sends a friendly reminder.

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If You Ask Me - on Site. Click to hear audio clip from there.

If You Ask Me – on Site. Click to hear audio clip from there.

Lastly, in the beginning of this post I promised to share the audio books to which I listened in the long car ride I took across the state.

The first was Betty White reading her “If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won’t)”.  What a delightful book, especially so, listening to her read/talk it!

Click on her photo above to hear the clip from the Overdrive Site. In the beginning of the clip Betty quotes George Burns with a funny statement he made on his writing books.  As for herself she declares, “Writing is my favorite thing.”

At the end of this short clip, White states: “Old age isn’t for sissies.  I can’t believe I’m getting old.  Why do people ever say ‘Happy Birthday!'”

Source –

This book was only 2 1/2 hours. The rest of the trip and into 4 hours after I got home I enjoyed, “The Best Defense” by Kate Wilhelm.

Again, your comments and experiences are welcome in “Leave a Reply…” below.


Downloadable Audio Books – Using Your Public Library from Home — 2 Comments

    • Thanks, Sheila. So glad you found this helpful. More and more I am loving my library and the money, and space, it’s saving me. (Space – my home is loaded with books purchased over the years… in bookcases, on tables AND in boxes. The latter, at least, should be moved out!)

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