How to Use Controls on YouTube Videos

A friend of mine recently said it took her many months of watching videos on YouTube before she realized how she could exit, once she got to full screen viewing. Therefore, I thought I’d give a demonstration should you, too, have that same challenge.

The tutorial video below will show you where on the YouTube site to do a SEARCH for people or categories, including “how to’s”

Click on the arrow in the center of the image to start watching. To watch the video Full Screen on your computer click on the little 4-corner icon at the right end of the black bar on the bottom.

To get back to view the full web page you were on, simply click the ESCAPE button on the top of your keyboard, the last button on the left.

Next to Google, YouTube is the site that has the highest frequency of searches. It’s a great source for “how-to” videos, some very professional, others rather amateurish depending on who uploads them.  Anyone can upload a video to YouTube.  I will cover that in another post and video.

One senior I know is ecstatic now because he discovered that he could be watching one of his favorite musicians listening to the music, while watching the pianist play.  When he discovered the ease of using YouTube he simply did a SEARCH on the site.

If you like to know in advance what to look for, covered in this tutorial video:

1. How and where to search
2. Using one of my Video CHANNELS,

a. Viewing a PLAYLIST where videos have been organized by a category or theme. The link for Ocean Sunrise and Sunsets PLAYLIST was used for demo purposes. This playlist has been set up so it will automatically feed to the next video in it.

3. Symbols in the black bar at the bottom

a. Triangle starts “play”
b. Double vertical lines “pause” the video
c. The tiny megaphone symbol with two curved lines regulates the “volume”, or mutes the sound.  You can also control the level of sound with your computer controls.


How to Use Controls on YouTube Videos — 2 Comments

  1. THANK YOU for sharing! It took me I think a year, before I figured that out! I would try all the icons on the bottom of the window never knowing the esc (escape key) was THE one to bring the window back to the smaller size! Great tip for those of us not knowing where that Magic key IS located!! I am sure you will save a few people from pulling out their hair!!

    • Thanks to you, Morgine, for having pointed this out to me as a potential challenge for others. As I create this site, it always helps to learn what issues people are dealing with. I’m sure there are others who will be reading/watching this post who will also be helped. Thanks in advance from them.

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