Do you ever receive an email with a bunch of names, a message and a bunch more names? Very often, those of us using email regularly, do receive an interesting story, joke or even important information. It seems to be … Continue reading
People connecting, communicating and creating are the three things that are the foundation of what my work is all about. Today in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic the above have become even more critical and challenging, as we all … Continue reading
Recorded with the Voice Memos App on an iPhone How to Audio Record Memories on your iPhone Using the Voice Memos app that comes already installed on your iPhone and Upload the Recording to DropBox To watch video full screen … Continue reading
A recent video showing how to adjust settings for Facebook live so that text was visible from left to right the way we read it brought up further questions on what “mirroring” is. Default settings on our mobile devices and … Continue reading
Have you ever been as frustrated as I when, in the middle of reading an article on the Internet, suddenly you land up on another page… sometimes a different article, or more often… an ad? This happens to me often, … Continue reading
Do you ever wish that you could quickly read an article on the Internet without the ads that often appear in the middle of the article?… the ads which at times you may inadvertently click, or tap, landing you on … Continue reading
I wonder how many of you are completely unaware, as I had been, that you can use the Find my iPhone feature on your iPhone and iPad to find it in your own home. I always viewed it as an “insurance policy”, … Continue reading
Do you find yourself regularly typing certain addresses, phrases and the like? on your computer or any of the other mobile devices? Recently when working with an 81 year old client on her iPad I remembered the possibility of using Keyboard Shortcuts. Shirley, … Continue reading
[Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post, journalist and mother of a young child, which is what appealed to me when the writer approached me with the wish to share with you.] With the many useful features SmartPhones now possess, … Continue reading
In the past I’ve done several posts here on various keyboard shortcuts. You can find them by doing a search or click on SHORTCUTS here to get a page with links to posts on this blog. One of the most … Continue reading