A recent video showing how to adjust settings for Facebook live so that text was visible from left to right the way we read it brought up further questions on what “mirroring” is.
Default settings on our mobile devices and video programs on our computer are usually set for “mirror view” as the default… the way we see ourselves in the mirror. If you’ve ever bothered to hold up anything that has text on it when you are looking in the mirror, you likely noticed that the words we see are “backwards.”
Following are how-to’s for managing this on 3 different devices.
On the iPhone when you take a “selfie,” and possibly on an Android, the image that you see is in the camera screen is “reversed” by default, showing it as you would see it in the mirror. (Image on the left.)
Once you capture the photo, the iPhone and some Androids, if not all, automatically reverse/flip it to what we would expect to see. (Photo above on the right.) There are photo apps that will do the reversing if your phone does not do it automatically.
When doing Facebook Live videos, the mirror image stays, with text reversed, unless you make an adjustment using the tool bar. To get to the tool bar tap on the “Wand” on the lower left. This brings up the tool bar with the “Tools” icon in the lower right.
Tap on the “Tool” icon on the right, then on the “Flip” icon on the lower right (see below). Once set tap on “Start Live Video” and you’re ready to go.
on iMac and Photo Booth –
By default, images are automatically shown in Mirror view.
In order to reverse image, set the Edit dropdown menu to “Auto Flip New Items” before you start, or “Flip Photo” when you are ready to use it.
On Zoom Conference Video Recording
go to Settings and select the Video icon.
If “Enable mirror effect” is checked you will see text “backwards”. Uncheck it and the text will read “normally” from left to right.
The book shown in the video is my Real Seniors Using iPads: 0ver 100 Easy Ways to Learn Connect Communicate. It’s a compilation of interviews with 31 seniors 65 and over, their brief stories on how they use their devices along with their favorites apps. You’ll note within the 26 five-star reviews that this book can apply to any mobile devices, Androids as well as iPads and iPhones. Tap or click on Real Seniors Using iPads to purchase and learn more.
I am one of the featured authors in “SO, WHAT DO YOU DO? – VOL 2: Discovering the GENIUS Next Door with One Simple Question” compiled by best-selling author, Joel Comm. For more information and to purchase, tap or click on So, What Do You Do?
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