In a recent post here on Technology for Seniors Made Easy, I went into great detail on How to Open Multiple Windows in Your Internet Browser using the FILE menu in the browser tool bars.
I have since discovered the keyboard shortcuts, as simple as CTRL/CMD+N will open a New Window, CTRL/CMD+T, a New Tab.
Also, did you know that you can e-mail links, and content, directly from the web pages themselves? It’s not necessary to copy the URL and then go into your e-mail program to paste it into the body of a new e-mail, the procedure I’ve followed for years. Not only is the link or content there, the subject line is automatically filled in. Details are further down this page.
The Story of My Keyboard Shortcut Awakenings – After writing the opening multiple browser windows post, I wrote another on 7 Commonly Used Keyboard Shortcuts and how to use them. In that one, I pointed out that I had never paid attention to the fact that the shortcuts had always been there in the EDIT menus!
In the post on opening Browser Windows, I included screen shots of the tool bars for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. I even showed an image of a drop down FILE menu in Safari to show you specifically where to click.
I totally ignored the symbols on the right side.
I simply pointed out where to click in the FILE Menu.
Then, as I started paying attention when preparing the 7 Keyboard Shortcuts post, I saw the CMD+N
for a New Window and CMD+T for New Tab.
It’s amazing how we complicate things, when often they are SO simple!
Short Cuts for E-mailing Links to open Web Pages, including e-mailing the Full page
As I was working on the Safari image for the post, I looked at the rest of the menu and saw:
“Mail contents of This Page” CMD+I
“Mail Link to This Page” Shift+CMD+I.
I clicked on those and immediately was directed to my e-mail and windows open with the latter.
Again, in all my years using the web I never knew that saving web page links, or the pages themselves, could be so simple! I could email the links or pages to myself and, so easily, to friends.
Internet Explorer also shows the shortcuts on the right side of the menu. The New tab is CTRL+T and New window, CTRL+N.
It, too, offers the option to send the page link, or full page, by e-mail. In their case there is a Send link and a separate window opens offers you the options to “Send Page by e-mail, “Send Link by e-mail,” or Send a “Shortcut to Desktop.”
Chrome and Firefox do have links for sending the web page link by e-mail. There is not a file menu or shortcut option for doing the full page.
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