Why Technology for Seniors? – Using Your Public Library

Library books on shelf with computer keyboard and mouseIf you are one who uses your public library and you’re not yet comfortable using a computer, I suggest you look at what’s possible in benefiting from more of your libraries services.

I am fortunate to live in a county which has an excellent public library system with several branches.  Books, DVDs and CDs are available to patrons for pick up in any of the branches, no matter where their “home” base is.

I have been happily using this service for several years now. Whenever a book is recommended, I go to the library site, which lists all the branches, and do a search for a book.  If they have what I want, or if it’s on order, I place a “hold” on the book. There is also the option for inter-library loan from another city or town.  Once it’s available for pick-up, I get notified by email. What a time and gas saver!

Renewing books online is another most appreciated service. Not finished, or can’t make it in on the due date, I simply go online to my account and mark it for “renewal.” Books are renewable up to three times, if there’s not another hold on the book. DVDs once in my library system.

All of the above, may seem unnecessary to those who are resisting computers.  And, there are other reasons, circumstances developing outside ourselves, that warrant looking at becoming comfortable with them.

Technological comfort, in relation to library usage
I was quite surprised recently when I went to my library to pick up books which I had reserved – online.  The clerks were all standing by the Self-Checkout Computers.

None of the clerks were at any of the stations to which I am accustomed to seeing them.  When my turn came, I presented my card so the clerk could scan it to see the books I had reserved.

When she returned with them I asked why she was at self-checkout, rather than in her usual position. She said that the library now wants all patrons to use the self-check out system.

This is simply one more example of the directions in which we are being pulled more and more into technology. Why not be ready!

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