In the process of interviewing iPad using Seniors for my upcoming Kindle book, I spoke to someone recently who barely had a clue on how to use his iPad. And, he was not the first one I’ve encountered in this situation. I’ve met and spoken to a few Seniors who received an iPad as a gift from a son, daughter or other relative and weren’t even sure why they received it. It is a great and generous gift and if they are left with an iPad that’s set up and they don’t know what to do with it, it becomes almost pointless.
After the interview, I decided to create this MUST DO TIP LIST to consider when presenting an iPad gift to a senior. You can download the list itself, without the images, at iPad Set-Up Tips. I also visited my YouTube channel and found that most of it is covered in a series of 8 very short, simple-to-follow videos. Fortunately I’d had the foresight to document what I did when I first opened my own iPad that I had gifted to myself!!
Must Cover Information to Make Certain The Gift Recipient Understands his or her iPad.
1 – The Apple ID – Make sure you Save someplace and be sure they Save, and know where to find it, the Apple ID they create AND their password.This will be, as you undoubtedly know, necessary for them to get into the iTunes Store to download any Apps.
2 – Show them
a – How to Power the iPad Off and On
b – How to change orientation of the iPad… from vertical to horizontal… either locking it in position or leaving it unlocked.. My preference is to leave it unlocked so it will rotate when I turn the iPad. I usually keep it in horizontal mode.
c – Where the Settings icon is.
3 – Where the Home Button is and how double tapping it brings up the open Apps on the bottom
4 – Since more than likely one of the reasons they will most want it, or will grow to love it for, is using the Kindle App.
a – Show them how to set up an Amazon Account, if they don’t already have one.
5 – How to set up an email account AND how to have it be inactive so all their mail is not coming into the iPad unless they want it there. I keep some of my accounts inactive unless I’m traveling.
6 – How to use the Internet
a – Click on Safari icon
b – Tap in address space to do a search or enter a full domain
7 – Show the Share icon – for emailing, bookmarking, and/or adding what will be a frequently used site onto the Home Page. They might particularly want to understand this feature in order to share photos. It is also great for saving web pages and emailing it to a friend or associate. one
8 – How to close open Apps by double-clicking the Home button and swiping the Apps up, from the center of the app window, not the icon.
Open Apps drain the battery if they are running in the background. Also setting the iPad to “Never” lock drains the battery. See Video 8 in the series. You can go to the videos individually or click on the video image and the whole Playlist will start and continue on the each of the videos, without your having to click on each one. And, you can always pause as you are watching.
Click or Tap on Links Below
to get to the
in the
1 – Opening the iPad – Removing the Packaging –
2 – Turning iPad on – Setting it up
3 – iPad Password Lock – Setting up Location Services
4 – Completing iPad Set-up and Registering it
5 – Using the iPad with IOS 7
6 – iPad Clock and Setting Time Zone
7 – Moving and Deleting App Icons on the iPad
8 – Important Settings in iPad (including Lock time) –
Again, you can get these tips and links in a PDF to print out and save. Click on Must Know iPad Tips for Seniors.
Watch the whole series, one after another by clicking on the iPAD TUTORIALS Playlist link.
If your parent, brother, sister, friend needs another senior to talk to, I invite you to add to the iPad the gift of one of my coaching packages. To order, click on Coaching.
I’d love to know what your experiences have been with Seniors Using iPads. Your comments are welcome in the Reply box below.
Lastly – Questions? – Post them below also, or email
Thanks so much Sheila:
This is wonderful. I will watch the videos. I have no idea how to do any of what is on your list – YET!
Thanks, Roz. Much success to you. Please let us know what is most helpful.
Thanks Sheila:
As soon as I start I’ll let you know! I think video is most helpful in this area to learn how to operate the ipad and where everything is. It’s easier to see things, but for sure the list is excellent, that’s just the stuff I need to learn!