Adding or Changing Your Profile About Information in Facebook

One of my new habits is checking Facebook for information on friends from whom I have not heard in a while. It seems that more and more frequently people are posting their challenges and ills, as well as a small celebrations.

So when I checked with a friend, querying information I had seen in her profile, she wrote me back that she had unsuccessfully attempted making changes.  For her, and anyone else with similar challenges, below are the step-by-step visuals for how to edit your information on Facebook. You can actually get at the pages you want to change from either your Profile page or the Home page.

On the Profile Page, click on either “Update Info” or “About”

Updating Information from Facebook Profile pageOnce in the About page, click on Edit in any of the sections you want to change.


You can also get to the editing from your Home Page

facebook-home-edit1When in your About Page, go to the section you want to be edited.

Click on Edit. Then make the Changes you wish in the boxes that open.  Be sure to Save Changes.

facebook-education-edit1   facebook-work-changes2

Have fun making your updates. Please share in the comments here, your experience of this post. Also what is it you most like about Facebook?  Please leave your responses in the “Reply …” box below

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