Error Messages on Web – Quick Tech Tip

Do you ever find yourself going down that proverbial tunnel?

You feel like a mouse going down the same one over and over again, despite the fact there’s no cheese there?

A couple of weeks ago, I attempted registering for an online class.  Each time I filled in my name, email address and clicked submit, I got the message – “Server Busy, Please Try Again”.  I’d click “OK” and kept getting the same message.

I finally gave up.  I was going away and probably wouldn’t have time for the class anyway.

Today, I remembered the course, thought it might be being offered again, or at least I’d get on the list.  I repeated the same process and got the same message.  After two tries, I started clicking on the link at the top of the page – “If you have any problems or questions, please email us at support@….”

Just before I clicked, it occurred to me that it might only be happening on my computer on this particular Internet Browser, in this case Chrome.

So, before composing and sending the email, I copied the link from the address bar and pasted it into Firefox.  Lo and behold. It worked!  Simply by switching web browsers, I was able to fill out and submit the form.

“The point of this post?”  Simply that instead of getting totally frustrated, look at options and try a different alternative.

On the other hand, keep in mind that you do NOT always have to find the answers yourself.  Help is almost always readily available on the Web, either in the form of an email link, an email form, a chat link and very often a phone number!  Simply search the page you are on for a link for “Support.” It is usually either in the top or side menu and/or within links at the bottom of the page.

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