Get Blog Posts by Email – Feedburner Sign-Up How-Tos

I, personally, like to get notifications of new blog posts by email. I have, thus, created a tutorial for you to be able to get such notifications from this site.

The video and the screen shots below, are demonstration of how you can be readily be notified of new Technology for Seniors Made Easy posts. You will only one email per day, no matter how many posts were made on the previous day.  If there were no new posts the previous day, you will NOT get an email.

On to the “How to… ” video below.  Some of the images in it are very small.  If it is difficult for you to  view, you can watch the video full screen. (See image right below, above the video, if you’re not familiar with seeing videos full screen.)


Simply click on the 4 corners at the bottom right of the video.  To get back to the post, use the “esc” – escape – key on your computer.

So you can get email notifications of new posts, I’ve set up the “notify me” option for my posts in Technology for Seniors Made Easy.

The video above, and the screen shots below, are demonstration of how you can be readily be notified of new Technology for Seniors Made Easy posts. You will only one email per day, no matter how many posts were made on the previous day.  If there were no new posts the previous day, you will NOT get an email.

Example of an email summary received in your Inbox, sent from



To receive notifications in your own email program:

Go the column on the right.

Underneath the Submit button for Easy Tech Tips, Click on
Click Here to Receive New Blog Posts By Email.

Feedburner email sign-up link to receive notification of new blog posts for Technology for Seniors Made Easy

You will be taken to the Web to a page with a summary of the latest blog posts.

On the right, in very small print, next to an envelope icon, is “Get delivered by email”.

Click on that link.

Email Subscription Request form for Technology for Seniors Made Easy blog post notification

A window will pop-up. Fill in your email address and the “Kaptcha” letters.

To prevent spam, this identification process is required to show that you are a person rather than a machine.

If you have difficulty reading, or interpreting the symbols, you can click on the handicap symbol to get a voice message.

I prefer trying the visual again.  If it kicks back as inaccurate, there will be a new combination that is likely to be easier to read.

That does it.

I look forward to your participation in reading posts and asking questions.  Simply post them in the “Leave a Reply” box underneath the blog post to which you are responding.

You may also send a “Reply” to any email you receive from

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