“Find” in a PDF on a PC Recently I received the following email from Kathy Izzo, a subscriber to Quick Tech Tips for Seniors. She queried: “Can I search for a word or phrase in a PDF document? I’m researching … Continue reading
Did you ever find yourself wanting to correct or replace a word, or phrase, that you’ve used more than once in a Word document? You go searching through the pages, hoping that your eyes caught them all. You’re pretty sure … Continue reading
Recently in going through some saved emails, I found this from 2009. The source is unknown. I don’t know if the story is actually true or not AND, it certainly could be. A couple was said to have their car … Continue reading
There are many keyboard shortcuts you can use when you are typing and editing a Text or Word document or an email post and want to cut something out, or perhaps copy and place in another document or email. In … Continue reading
The following is a followup on my post on email courtesy. In this post I am addressing protecting the privacy of people whose addresses are sent within the body of emails that you may forward. You can eliminate strangers seeing … Continue reading
Do you ever receive email where the type (font size) is very small and difficult to read? Or, conversely, you go to an Internet web page and, again, the font is very small and challenging to follow? The are a … Continue reading
Before I purchased my iPhone I had no desire to have text messaging on my cell phone. It was only after I finally purchased my iPhone that I got into text messaging. Texting is a feature that has to be … Continue reading
The iPhone comes preloaded with a wide variety of sounds and rhythms. Many more can be purchased in the iTunes store. I am quite happy with the simplicity of what’s already available. You have your choice of tones for: 1. what’s … Continue reading
In one of my first posts here I mentioned how frustrated I was when I first got my iPhone. Since I did not readily see it, I thought there was not an alarm clock. How easy once I found it. … Continue reading
Today I want to share my excitement around Evernote, a free software program that you can download from the web. It can be used to quickly save notes, recipes, memos, documents, photos and much more. I love using Evernote and I … Continue reading