Adding Arrows and Text to Images in Mac Computer Preview

pr-toolbarinvideoSometimes in business, as well as personally, we wish to add PDFs and/or annotated images to our communications.

Very recently I was most excited when I discovered that I could edit directly in Preview on my Mac. Preview is the Mac computer program for both reading and creating PDFs. What a revelation for me!

I also experienced being able to add clean arrows and text directly onto photo .jpg images.

I’ve had my current iMac computer, with OS 10.6, for almost 3 years and never knew what was possible in Preview.  When I first started using the new computer, I  became instantly resigned to its not being able to use Adobe PDF.  I finally let go of my annoyance and never looked further at any capabilities it might have.

For the most part, all I knew was that any time I open, or download, an Adobe PDF sent to me, it opens in Preview. The same thing happens with screenshots and photo .jpgs. I’d been moving both of the latter to Adobe Photoshop Elements for editing.

Now, as I develop this site, I am noticing more things related to technology. Thus, when I decided to View > Show Tool Bar (in the drop down menu), perhaps forScreen shot 2013-01-25 at 7.11.51 PM

the first time, I saw the word “annotate” at the end.

Clicking on that gave me to option to open the bottom tool bar. After playing a bit, I discovered how to use the different elements.

1 – The arrow can go in any direction. Start at any spot and go toward that to which you want to point. The triangle pointing tip will show up at the end of the line.

2 – The Aa brings up the text window.

3 – The Aa in the rectangle, dots in 4 corners, is where you type.

Have fun, as well, as bringing added clarity to your PDFs, screenshots and .jpg communications in your marketing.

See Personalizing PDF Marketing Materials for short video on how to use Macintosh Preview for add your message, with permission, to marketing PDFs available to you to build your business.


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