Today, were he still alive, my beloved, late-husband Sam and I would have been celebrating 54 wonderful years. Thus, in today’s tutorial, I am including a photo of us celebrating our 45th anniversary at a surprise party that our children and grandchidren gave for us.
I’m blessed to have beautiful written messages from Sam over the years AND one of the things I MISS, is something I could easily have had… HIS VOICE. For demo purposes, the screen shot below is a note I created that looks like one I could have made while he was alive.
While Sam was still alive I was doing recorded seminars. I could have used that same technology and recorded interviews or simple fun conversations with him. Today it’s even easier with the smart phones we have, as well as many other options. One of them is EVERNOTE. It’s a simple FREE downloadable application that I love for many reasons. Follow the images above and below and you’ll see why.
In the image you can see the steps and how simple it is to click on the Microphone icon, a RECORD button (not showing in photo) appears. Click on that and simply record a conversation if you are together, or a phone conversation with a speaker phone. As it’s recording you can type notes and attach documents or photos.
In the image above, you’ll see the Paper Clip for attachments. On the computer click on that to search your computer for the photo or photos you wish to attach.
On the iPad it is a camera icon. You can take a photograph as you’re creating the note or you can add a photo or photos from your Photo collections on your iPad.
NEXT SCENARIO – Even simpler use –
Have you ever heard of someone’s saving phone messages on their answering services or machines that they thought was special. Sometimes it’s a message from someone talking before he or she passed away. How long can you save this and be sure it doesn’t get erased? Not to worry.
If you have a phone or handset that has a speaker, you can simply open a note in Evernote, hit the Microphone icon, then record and capture the message.
I did this today with a message my friend Shellie left on my answer call a couple of months ago.
In commenting on a photo I had posted, Shellie spoke highly about my appearance, my “glow and energy” and positive changes over the years, especially since I dental work done. I felt a lift in my spirits when listening to it, so I wanted to keep it. It was getting challenging to have to listen to it, and other messages playing, before I could hear new ones.
Now that put it in Evernote it is finally deleted from my phone. And whenever I need a boost, having synchronized it to all three, I can simply listen to it on my computer, iPad or iMac and even on the web. If you click on the image and you, too, can hear it on the web.
If you are one who likes to learn all the aspects and advantages of a program, I do have a Kickstart Guide to Evernote available with an special $20 savings for readers of this post. Click on EVERNOTE GUIDE.
And if you appreciate someone working with you as you learn and answering questions, I have a cost effective one-on-one coaching program. We can do one session, four or eight on any of your electronic device questions. Click on COACHING for more information.
Your comments are welcome in the REPLY box below. Are you a “Memory-Keeper?” If so, what do you do? Is there someone special you would like to honor here?