In recent Technology for Seniors Made Easy blog posts, I’ve shared frequently used keyboard and mouse shortcuts. As I have become more accustomed to using them, I’m finding,
at times, that they are much quicker and more efficient to use than my mouse.
If we’re already on the keyboard typing, why not simply click 2 or 3 keys, rather than reaching over for the mouse and then going up to the menu across the top of whatever the program is in which we are working.
Following are the email shortcuts I have been using most regularly now. They apply only to Windows and Mac Mail programs. If you are going to the web for your mail, i.e. in AOL, GMAIL, YAHOO Mail, or any other web-based mail program, the shortcuts would apply to your Internet browser applications.
New Message – CTRL + N
Open Message – CTRL + O
Send Mail – ALT + S
Reply to Sender – CTR + R
Reply to All – CTRL + SHIFT + R
Delete an eMail – CTR + D for an open email or from the listing of emails in your Inbox or other folders
Forward an eMail – CTR + F (In all other programs except for Mail in Windows, CTR + F = Find)
New Message – CMD + N
Open message – CMD + O
Close message – CMD + W (Windows does not have this option)
Delete an email – CTR + D from the list or an open email
Send Mail – SHIFT + CMD + D
Reply to Sender – CMD + R
Reply to ALL – SHIFT + CMD + R
Forward Email – SHIFT + CMD + F
Delete an email – CMD + Delete, or simply click the Delete Key
ADDED KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS on the MAC – Not in Windows (at least not in my Windows Vista program)
Hide a window – CMD + H
Close a window in a program – CMD + W
Quit the program altogether – CMD + Q
REMINDER – All of the shortcuts, plus more, are listed in any one of the following drop down menus in both WINDOWS and MAC under:
File – Edit or Message – depending on the action you wish to take
The Mac has additional shortcuts listed under others of the options along the top bar.
For your convenience, other blog posts here with additional shortcuts include:
Shortcuts for opening Internet Browser and Emailing Internet links
7 Most commonly used Keyboard Shortcuts
Mouse and Shortcuts for Highlighting Content in Word and Mail
As always your feedback, suggestions and questions are welcome here in a reply to me or on any of the posts on the blog.
Please add them in the “Leave a Reply” box just below or email me at