I love when people ask questions of Technology for Seniors Made Easy. It’s the best way for me to learn new information or review that which I already know.
This morning I was asked how to make note of birthdays in the calendar in the Mac computer and iPhone. If set up to do so, they will pick up in both when your iPhone gets synchronized with your computer and vice-versa.
There are two ways birthdays can be added, either through your address book or directly in the calendar.
Adding Birthdays by Choice in Address Book
Below are the steps to create a permanent Birthday Field that will be on the form whenever you add a new contact
1 – Open your Address Book and select Preferences.
2 – Open the Add Field menu that will be in the new window
3 – The Add Field drop down menu opens
4 – Select Birthday
5 – The Birthday Field will now be on all the cards for all new contacts you add to the Address Book.
Once you do that, if you want birthdays for people already in your address book, then you’ll need to go in and enter the field on each of the contacts whose birth dates you want to remember.
To Add Birthdays to Individual Contacts in Your Address Book
Follow the steps below the image:
1 – Open the Address Book and Click on Card in the top Tool Bar. Select Add Field from the drop down menu that opens.
2 – Click on Birthday in the new window.
3 – Select the Date from the birthday section that opens
The selected birth date will now appear on the individual contact’s name and be recorded in iCal calendar if you select that option.
To have Birthdays appear in your iCal Calender
1 – Open iCal and Select Preferences.
2 – On the window that opens in General settings, simply choose “Show Birthdays in calendar.” iCal will now automatically enter birthdays on the designated days in your calendar.
See next post [yet to come] for How to Add Birthdays in Your iPhone.