Recording Birthdays in iPhone Contact Book and Calendar

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Continuing from the last post “How to Add Birthdays in Your Address Book and to iCal on the Mac“, adding birthdays to your Contact List in the iPhone is quite simple.

1 – Select the Contacts icon from your Home Page. Tap to Open.


2 – Tap on + Sign on new opened page or Tap Edit on an Existing Contact’s Page

iPhone - Add Contact3 – Scroll down to Add Field

iphone-add-field4 – Tap to Open added Field. Scroll down to Birthday Field.

Birthday Field in iPhone Contact Card5 – Tap to open the Birthday Field.  Three  “wheels” will open. Select the desired month, day, year.

iphone-contact-birthdayenteredTo protect my friends and family members privacy, should other people be checking my iPhone, I usually like to scroll down to the dashes and not include the year.

IPhone Birthday Field - No Year

6 – Competed Contact Card with the information I entered here.

iPhone Contact Complete7 – Finally, you can Check your CALENDAR to see that the birthday has been included as an Event.

iPhone Contact Birthday in CalendarThe dot under the date confirms that there is an “event” that day.  Tapping it, turns it blue and opens it, revealing the birthday. Tapping on the text opens up the Contact’s page.

And, of course, you can SEND a text message from there or FaceTime your friend or relative from here.

Once I’m reminded of the birthday, I like to do a quick video using my iPhone directed to me, singing Happy Birthday directly to my friend or relative. Then I text (or email) it directly from the Photo/Video album.

Send Text Message from iPhone Contact pageThis contact’s birthday will remain noted on that day in your calendar, year after year, unless you alter or delete it.

Enjoy the fun and ease of remembering dates that are important to you and your loved ones. You might consider ADDING another Field for noting some “likes”, or ideas for gifts, if you will be giving that person a gift.  You can go in any time and do that.

Please share your experiences below in the LEAVE A REPLY box. Was this new information for you? Are there other fields that you add to your contacts with specific types of information?

As always, if you have any questions, you can leave them in the box or address them to me at



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