As I was putting together the post on Uploading or Changing Profile Photos on Facebook, I posted pictures of How to Find the Help menu, starting with the Gear icon in the upper right. Someone commented that it did not look that way on her iPad.
Given the iPad choices are pretty much similar to those on the iPhone, I went to mine to see what I could find. The first step, assuming you have it downloaded, is to open the Facebook app on your iPhone.
1 – Then click on the three bar icon on the upper left of your main page to bring you to the following choices:
News Feed,
Friends, and then
Pages, for those who have business pages.
2 – Scroll Down past:
App Center,
Install Messenger, Pages Manager, Chat, Like Pages, Find Friends, Pokes, Photos,
and Notes.
Continue scrolling down until you reach the Help Center. Tap on that. Then type “Profile Photos” in the Search space or tap photos on the right.
The search for “profile photo” or tapping on “photos” will bring up the following easy-to-follow instructions for Uploading a Profile picture from your iPhone
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