How to directly eMail an iPhone Video

One of the things I love about my iPhone is that it is a way of connecting with other seniors.  In the waiting room of Bethesda Health City Women’s Center, I was happily reading a book on Kindle on my iPhone.  It was on Using the iPhone.  After two plus years I was still excitedly learning new things with which I was experimenting as I waited.

The woman sitting next to me asked if it was an iPhone I was using. She has been considering purchasing one. I excitedly starting sharing the video aspect of the iPhone, asking if I could video both of us. I then went on to show her how it could easily be emailed and proceeded to email it to her.

The process, including the 18-second video I did of the two of us, is shown above.  Note my new friend’s excitement.  I am most grateful for the interaction.

For those who prefer text to video, following are the steps in how to find and select videos to send by email, message or post to YouTube.

iPhone Home Pageicon to open photo album in iPhoneFirst go from the stopped video to your iPhone Home Page. Tap on Camera – upper right on my home page on left.

Then tap on small window in the lower left corner to open the photo album.

iPhone photo album with all photos and videosiPhone album with videos

The Album with All your photos and videos will open.  You can select from there OR tap on Videos at the top and just your Video library will open.

In either case, tap on your selected video.

iPhone- page with Curved Send ArrowiPhone choice to edit, or trim, videoA new screen will open with the video frames on the top and a curved arrow on the bottom for SENDing.

Videos sent by email from the iPhone must be one minute or less for email purposes.  If yours is more than a minute, you will get another window giving you the choice for what you want to cut, or “trim”. Simply drag the yellow lines to where you want to begin and end. Then tap on the yellow TRIM button when satisfied.

iPhone send to mail, messge or YouTubePicture of iPhone Preparing Video before sendingGoing back to the curved arrow on the bottom for SENDing, tap on MAIL.

A new screen pops up showing that the iPhone is Preparing [your] Video…

iPhone-mail-window-addressplace for message in iPhone email plus video icon

Once video preparation is complete a mail message window opens up.

Type the address in the To space:

[In the image on the left you see my name rather than an address because that’s the way it was picked up automatically in my Address Book. The email address IS there, though you don’t see it.]

You can include more than one person in the Cc or Bcc spaces. I often CC myself so I’ll have the video in my computer even before I download it from my phone.

Add Subject and then scroll down to the body to write a message above the video, .mov,  icon. When finished tap SEND.

That’s the whole process.  You now have made someone, I’m sure, quite happy… especially if it’s a new friend. The subject in the video above was quite happy, anticipating sharing the video with her husband.

Now, if you would be so kind, I would appreciate your answering the following question.

When going to a tutorial like this on Technology for Seniors Made Easy, do you prefer a video or the images and text? or perhaps you’d like both? Please respond in the “Leave a Reply” box below.

If you prefer, you can email your answer to me at

After the Fact Note
– In searching for this “new friend’s” email address in my SENT folder on my iPhone, there was, for some unknown reason, no record of the email.  I did not note her address anywhere else.

SO, caution… If you are emailing directly from an iPhone video or photo, and it’s to someone’s address who is new to you, Cc yourself so the address will be on the email you receive.

Of course, it would be a good idea also to make a note of it in NOTES or another place you can save it that you’ll remember.



How to directly eMail an iPhone Video — 2 Comments

  1. Hi Sheila,

    Upon reading this, I have to say I found both helpful. I was saying to Richie today, I wish Iphone would develop a way to send directly to FB! Now, that would be a treat! You did a terrific job, keep on truckin, Mama!

    • Thanks, Blaise. Glad you found it helpful. Amazing the synchronicity and timing, given you just mentioned you wished iPhone could send directly to Facebook.

      I, of course, went to my iPhone, checked and experimented. We can upload videos from there directly to Facebook. I just posted a birthday video from my iPhone, uploading it to my wall.

      I’ll do a new how-to post on that. In the meantime, I just reread your comment and see that you did not specifically state uploading videos. So, I’m referring you also to the post I did on uploading photos to Facebook –

      The process is the same on the iPhone only you click on “Share Photo” next to “Write Post”. It brings up your all the photos and videos in the camera album.

      Have fun!

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