iPhone App Enhances Vision After Cataract Surgery

Susan excitedly shares how she has perfect vision after having cataract surgery, with one exception.   Everything is clear and sharp, except for the fine print on bags and boxes. So when she goes shopping or when reads recipes in her kitchen she happily pulls out her iPhone.

She quickly selects the flashlight app she downloaded and then the Magnifier setting, points it to what she reads. With the ability to enlarge it up to three times its size, it always winds up “perfect” for her.

NOTE:  Although Susan is using an App on the iPhone, there are similar apps for other Droid phones.  Simply Google “flashlight app with magnifier” or “flashlight” for your particular phone, or do the search for apps on your phone. Check the description to see if a magnifier is included.

The App Susan uses, and I’ve since installed, is Free. There are others that range from $.99 to $4.99.  Happy reading and  clear seeing.

FINAL NOTE: To find the magnifier in the flashlight App (green icon)  shown in the video, simply slide the home page, with the whole Menu listing, to the right.


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