I’ve set up a new video series of very short conversational videos on why I love my iPhone and some things to note when using yours.
The more detailed instructions and visuals that you may need will be in posts on this blog stream or on separate pages that will develop.
Today I videoed with my iPhone on the easel, or “stand” as the company calls it. For the video itself see the 5th photo on the new page – Videos – Why iPhone
On the left is the stand on which I had my phone rested as I videoed. I talked about the stand and the holding space at the bottom which is deep enough to hold my iPhone that’s always in the Otter Box case that I love. The case is solid and resilient to occasional falls on hard surfaces, something that happens to mine from time to time. And sensitive parts, such as the camera lens are protected.
Speaking of the camera lens, I also mention “maintaining eye contact.” Those of you, especially who might have been in some kind of sales or people-serving profession or business, I’m sure are well aware of the importance of that. People feel most connected to us when we are connected with them eye-to-eye.
The iPhone image on the left is a reminder of where the camera lens is located.
I am assuming you know how to direct the iPhone lens to flip and face you when you want to take a self-portrait or do a video of yourself AND maybe that’s not a fair assumption.
If you aren’t sure, see How to Record Self-Videos Using Your iPhone. It’s the post just above this one on the blog. I go through the various steps, including the reminder of maintaining eye contact.