I’ve been assuming you know how to direct the iPhone lens to flip and face you when you want to take a self-portrait or self-video AND that may not have been a fair assumption. I’ve also assumed that you know … Continue reading
Category Archives: iPhones
Susan excitedly shares how she has perfect vision after having cataract surgery, with one exception. Everything is clear and sharp, except for the fine print on bags and boxes. So when she goes shopping or when reads recipes in her … Continue reading
Safari is the Internet browser used on your iPhone. To get to the Internet, start from your main screen. 1 – Tap on Safari icon 2 – Your phone will open the last web page opened, or a new one … Continue reading
Before I purchased my iPhone I had no desire to have text messaging on my cell phone. It was only after I finally purchased my iPhone that I got into text messaging. Texting is a feature that has to be … Continue reading
The iPhone comes preloaded with a wide variety of sounds and rhythms. Many more can be purchased in the iTunes store. I am quite happy with the simplicity of what’s already available. You have your choice of tones for: 1. what’s … Continue reading
In one of my first posts here I mentioned how frustrated I was when I first got my iPhone. Since I did not readily see it, I thought there was not an alarm clock. How easy once I found it. … Continue reading
In my experience, when it comes to learning about a new piece of equipment, there are two types of people. The ones who simply jump in and start using, or putting together, their new purchase, often reading the instructions after … Continue reading
Have you been thinking about an iPhone or other SmartPhone for yourself? Not much of a cell phone user (only for emergencies) I made the leap to the iPhone almost 2 years ago. I had been admiring the daily postings … Continue reading