Error Messages on Web – Quick Tech Tip

Do you ever find yourself going down that proverbial tunnel?

You feel like a mouse going down the same one over and over again, despite the fact there’s no cheese there?

A couple of weeks ago, I attempted registering for an online class.  Each time I filled in my name, email address and clicked submit, I got the message – “Server Busy, Please Try Again”.  I’d click “OK” and kept getting the same message. Continue reading

How to Set Up a Yahoo Account for Email, Plus other Services

Reminder – To See Video full screen, click on four corners, bottom right.  See How to Use Controls on YouTube Videos if you need further reminders.

The Yahoo email addresses are likely to be among the most popular of the ones you are likely to see amongst friends and families. The video above demonstrates how to set up your own Yahoo mail account. Continue reading

How to Send Open, Create and Send Email from a Yahoo Account

Reminder – To See Video full screen, click on four corners, bottom right.  See How to Use Controls on YouTube Videos if you need further reminders.

In a previous post, I showed  for creating a Yahoo account  for email as well as for using Flickr and Yahoo Groups.  See Setting up a Yahoo account.

In the video above, I demonstrate entering and using your new Yahoo email account. Continue reading

Mac Computer Character Viewer to Add Checkmarks to Lists

Exciting Discovery for the Day – Character Viewer in my Mac

I’ve had Mac computers for years and never even saw the Character Viewer, or if I had, I never paid attention to it.

Adding Check Marks to Spreadsheet using Mac Computer Character Viewer

This morning I started looking for the best way to create a check-off list on my computer to note that I’ve scheduled a bill payment. (Click on Checklist Story to learn why.)The first thing I did was go on a search to find a checkmark symbol. Continue reading

Bill Payments Online – Recording and Tracking Monthly Payments

In another post on the Technology for Seniors Made Easy blog, I wrote of my excitement when I learned about and mastered Bill Pay online with my bank.  See Paying Bills Online.

This morning I wondered if I had scheduled the payment for my phone bill that was due today.  I wasn’t too worried.  I knew that I could always go online and pay directly from the phone company’s site and still be on time.  On the other hand, as you’ll see, or have seen, in Paying Bills Online post, a bank employee had shared with me that this was not the most secure way.

After going to my bank account online and checking the bills I had scheduled for payment this month, I saw that I had indeed scheduled the phone bill payment.  I have been setting aside bills when they come in and then using a down-time I go online schedule the amount to be paid and when.

Excel Spreadsheet Check List for Bill Payment Continue reading

Transferring Photos – Disk to Flash Drive to Computer

Recently I received several queries on the How-to’s of Downloading Photos from a camera and saving them to a computer or flash drive. Thus the post that follows.

To hear the instructions in Audio, click on  click on the arrow on the left in the icon above. To Pause, click on the 2 parallel vertical lines.
You can adjust the sound both on your computer and in section on the right by dragging the magenta colored knob.  If you want to skip ahead or go back, simply drag the knob in the main portion of this icon.
If you wish to download the instructions into your computer, Right Click here to download… and “Save as” in a location in your computer that you’ll remember.

Tutorial for Downloading Photos from the Photo Disk

The Questions asked:
1. “Any tips for uploading pictures to Facebook from my digital camera?” Continue reading

Get Blog Posts by Email – Feedburner Sign-Up How-Tos

I, personally, like to get notifications of new blog posts by email. I have, thus, created a tutorial for you to be able to get such notifications from this site.

The video and the screen shots below, are demonstration of how you can be readily be notified of new Technology for Seniors Made Easy posts. You will only one email per day, no matter how many posts were made on the previous day.  If there were no new posts the previous day, you will NOT get an email.

On to the “How to… ” video below.  Some of the images in it are very small.  If it is difficult for you to  view, you can watch the video full screen. (See image right below, above the video, if you’re not familiar with seeing videos full screen.)


Simply click on the 4 corners at the bottom right of the video.  To get back to the post, use the “esc” – escape – key on your computer.

Continue reading

Scheduling Appointments and Filling Out Paperwork Online

Phone on CalendarI’ve gotten into the habit of using the Internet when I want business phone numbers. As a result, this morning I had a most surprising and delightful, time-saving, experience.

I needed to make an appointment for a follow-up blood test. I hadn’t made note of the lab’s phone number in my address book, so I went to their website to find it. Lo and behold, I saw that I could schedule the appointment online!

It was so easy. I’m sure that anyone, including newbies to using the Internet, could handle it, without even having any kind of tutorial.  I don’t know if the laboratory you may use offers the same service. It’s certainly worth checking out. LabCorp is the on with whom I set my appointment.

The added bonus, for me, was that I was also given the chance to fill out the “standard” paperwork online. Supposedly there will be no more forms to fill out when I get there.

I love making discoveries. Are there any you would like to share?  If so, please add them in the Leave a Reply box below.