iPhone Tip – Create Shortcuts for Frequently Used Long Phrases

For months I’ve been tapping each letter individually anytime I wanted to put http://TechnologyforSeniorsMadeEasy.com in a message and…

I just discovered there is a far simpler wayShortcutsNow I type in “tss”, an arbitrary code (shortcut), and the full URL comes up. I’ve also created “tsb”, for the full URL for the blog – TechnologyforSeniorsMadeEasy.com/blog.

iPhone settings icon


To create your own shortcuts, find and tap on the Settings Icon on your iPhone.

Then, open Settings. Tap General, then Keyboard, as shown below. Continue reading

Keyboard Shortcuts for Opening Internet Browser Windows and Emailing Links

In a recent post here on Technology for Seniors Made Easy, I went into great detail on How to Open Multiple Windows in Your Internet Browser using the FILE menu in the browser tool bars.

I have since discovered the keyboard shortcuts, as simple as CTRL/CMD+N will open a New Window, CTRL/CMD+T, a New Tab.

Also, did you know that you can e-mail links, and content, directly from the web pages themselves?  It’s not necessary to copy the URL and then go into your e-mail program to paste it into the body of a new e-mail, the procedure I’ve followed for years. Not only is the link or content there, the subject line is automatically filled in. Details are further down this page. Continue reading

7 Commonly Used Keyboard Shortcuts – For Seniors

Below are seven of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts guaranteed to save you time when working at your computer.

Note: The one key used in all the shortcuts is the
CONTROL [CTRL] key on a PC or the
COMMAND [CMD] key on the Mac.
CTRL or CMD are the abbreviations that will be used throughout the post, here and elsewhere on the blog.

Edit Menu in WordFor most of these actions we usually simply work with our mouse using the EDIT drop down menu.

This, in fact, does give us the symbols for the shortcuts. Look at the right-hand side of the menu.

Even though I knew this, I’ve never paid attention long enough to look at and implement the ones I wasn’t using.  I wonder. How many of you reading this have paid attention to those symbols?

Continue reading

How to Open Multiple Windows in Your Internet Browser

I was recently asked the question, “How do I open more than one window at a time in Safari?”  I appreciated the question and am happy to answer. The process is the same in all Internet Browsers. (See end of the post if you need “browser” defined.)

UPDATE: A short time after writing this post, I discovered there are two very simple shortcuts to opening New Windows and New Tabs.  If you are familiar with Internet Browser, you can go directly to Window-Opening Shortcuts.

CTRL or CMD+N opens a new window; CTRL/CMD+T a new tab.

The one key used in all the shortcuts is the – CTRL and CMD are the abbreviations that will be used throughout the posts.
CONTROL [CTRL] key on a PC or the
COMMAND [CMD] key on the Mac.

Browser Toolbars – at the very top of any open web page.

Safari Tool BarFirefox Toolbar

Safari Toolbar
on the Mac

Firefox Toolbar on the Mac  Continue reading

17-Month Old Toddler Using iPhone App to Play Games

On a recent Nature walk I videoed a father explaining how is little one, who is less than two years old, manages accessing her game apps on her parents’ iPhones.

As seniors realize little ones can make these choices on an electronic device, might seeing and hearing stories like this  motivate them to try some new things themselves on iPhones and other smart phones?

Could they come to the realization that it may not be as hard as they think?

Your thoughts are welcome below.

Suspect Email Evaluated and Declared Spam

CONCLUSION and EVALUATION POINTS for determining whether the email shown below and at the top of the previous post was spam. To read the overall on being safe when opening email and clicking on links within it, check out the following link, Be Safe Guidelines for Opening e-Mail.

Subject Line of an Email said to be from Facebook

The link shown above for the first email, said to be from Facebook only, IS legitimate.  I’ve signed up to be notified by email when a “New Message from…” is posted to me in Facebook.

The second email, said to be from “Facebook Weekly News”  is SPAM, at least from my point of view. “New Message:”, with a colon in the subject line is meaningless and thus an identifier.

My Recommendation Delete the second one labeled, “Facebook Weekly News”. Do NOT click on any of the links. Continue reading