There are times that we would like our friends and associates to promote something for them by email and/or social media – Facebook and Twitter, most commonly.
The intent of this post is to point out the necessity of being very clear on what we want people to know about the activity and what information we want them to pass on. The most efficient way to do this is to actually put the information about the event in the body of the email you send to them, along with any attachments you might want them to see.
Be sure the Subject Line also reflects what the email is about. For example, Subject: Invitation to Upcoming Art Show
My mentor often reminds me, “A confused mind will not take any action.” A case in point:
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The Story that had me write this post:
An artist friend recently sent me an announcement about an upcoming puppet show in a local theater, plus information on a show she was having and another a month or two later that a poet was doing. She requested I pass it on.
Her email message was a forward of a message from someone else, plus a flyer with that. In addition there was an attachment with a flyer for an art show she had planned.
Be clear on the point to your email –
The top portion that my friend wrote, included something about going to a show, driving and other details and a request to pass on the information. I wasn’t even sure what it was she was inviting me to or wanted me to pass on.
I scrolled down and saw the forwarded information, but I had spent so much time trying to figure out what she wanted that I put it aside and never got back to it.
A week later –
I got a reply from the same friend to an ezine I had sent. It had the full copy of the ezine with her message covering several things happening in her life, concluding with the request to forward an attachment she added with the above-mentioned postcard to her event.
There was a postcard attachment added
There is no way I can forward what she sent to me. To do what she requested requires my saving the attachment and creating my own e-mail to which I would add her postcard. There is also a way I could forward it, which would require several steps, not necessary to go into here because:
My BOTTOM LINE recommendation is:
When you are requesting someone forward information, create the email with the exact information you’d like his/her friends, family and associates to receive. Not everyone finds it easy to write, especially if they’re not sure what you want.
Make it EASY for your friends and family. Tell them what YOU want people to know.
The same thing holds true if you are asking that they post in Facebook. Write the message for them and ask them to cut and paste into a post, of course giving them the option to edit anything you’ve written.
Much success to you in all your planning and sharing with your communities.